Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunny day

Sunday, August 11, 2013

iPhone update

Here he is in action

Close up

Fluffy gets his wings

Mr. Fur Fur gets his wings 
(don't worry they are just clip-on)

May take a minute to adjust...

How do you like my new wings?

Do these wings make my fur look fat?

Wait... what's that sound???

Mr Fur Fur loves his food dish!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Sleepy Fuzzy, silly cat you are going to nap through Halloween.

Wake up Fuzzy! 

Say it, say it big boy......


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

He Won't Get Off!

Get down Mr. Fuzzy!    The fat cat won't move!   OH NO!!!     its too late...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Big Fuzzy Weigh In

We weigh the big cat from time to time, but first we need to get him away from the food dish...

Since he is bigger than the scale we need to put him in a bucket

Isn't he cute??!!

Now the balancing act, hold still Fuzzy!
 Looking Good!  24 whole pounds!  WOW what a fat kitty!!!

Ok Mr. Fuzzy, you can go back to sleep now....