Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cat Friends

Furry doesn't live alone at home or on the internet.
Here is another great cat site to see and the silly sleeping Olympics is very very funny

This is a picture of fuzzy as a younger and smaller cat. He would sit in that bucket until one of his legs went to sleep... these days Mr. Fuzzy has grown so big he doesn't fit in the bucket very well.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Vacuuming the cat

There are places that Mr. Fuzzy can't quite reach, if you scratch him there he will compulsively lick himself.  Oddly enough he really likes the vacuum, He is our only cat that runs to the vacuum. Strange but cute Mr. Fuzzy!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Holes in the cat!

Mr Fuzzy got a bit of a new hair-do!
The vet had to shave a couple spots to ultrasound the beast.
Fur Fur has a little bald spot on either side and one under his chin too.
He is a little bit self conscious about his baldness but we reassure him his fur will grow back soon.
He still feels comfortable enough to get a little sun out on the deck this afternoon, they haven't kept him from eating lunch either. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mr Furry goes to the Vet Again!

Poor Mr Fuzzy, he has urinary tract issues. He had been on a special low ash diet for some time now but sometimes he eats the other cat's food.

Just recently we had kittens visiting, Max, Marie and Vanna. Fuzzy really loves to eat their kitten food every chance he gets. We think he gains weight every time we have kittens.

All that yummy food gives him troubles so he got to spend another night at the vet's office. Mr Furry now has more special food, and has to have some injections and special medication as well. What a special cat! Big Kitty big vet bills! Yikes!

Furry is home now and seems to be feeling a little bit better, he's a lot of cat to be sick all at once.